



The name of this organization shall be Divine Providence Family School Association, Westchester, Illinois.


Section 1.  The goal of the FSA shall be to enhance the roles of the parents/guardians and teachers respectively as educators by providing opportunities for working together for the good of the child and the school.

Section 2.  The objectives of the FSA shall be:

To advance Catholic education by fostering a strong faith community within its membership.

To provide an opportunity for parents/guardians to express their views regarding their children, the school and educational programs, and in turn learn the feelings of other parents, the pastor, principal, faculty and school-related groups.

To provide a means for the pastor, principal, faculty and school-related groups to dialogue with parents/guardians to enhance the total educational experience.

To offer well-planned programs of particular interest to parents/guardians and children focus on the areas of faith, education and civic affairs in cooperation with school administration.


Section 1.  As a school organization, the FSA has a consultative relationship with the Principal.  In addition, the FSA is responsible for sharing information with the faculty, staff and the Divine Providence Board of Specified Jurisdiction.

Section 2.  The FSA shall make recommendations in ways that will not interfere with administration of the school and shall not seek to control its policies.

Section3.  The FSA shall be noncommercial and a limited fund raising organization.

Section 4.  The FSA shall review and /or amend the bylaws as deemed necessary or on a maximum interval of five (5) years.

Section 5.  The balance of all excess funds will be distributed for school projects to the principal at the end of the school year.  With approval of the principal, sufficient funds may be retained by the FSA for summer and fall start-up activities.


Section 1.  FSA recognizes all parents/guardians of students currently enrolled at Divine Providence as members of the FSA.

Section 2.  Members of the FSA shall pay dues at registration.

Section 3.  The school’s faculty is automatically members of the FSA and is not required to pay dues.


Section 1.  The Executive Board of the FSA shall be a president, vice-president, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary and a treasurer.  The term of office dates shall be July 1 to June 30 (1 year).  The term of office for the recording secretary, corresponding secretary and treasurer shall be for two (2) consecutive years and for no more than two (2) consecutive terms not to exceed four (4) year’s total. The vice-president shall serve for (1) year and will automatically assume the role of president the following year.  The president shall serve for one (1) year.  In the event the vice-president is unable to assume the presidency, the existing president could be reinstated as president for a second year not to exceed two (2) consecutive years as president.  Ex-officio officers shall be the pastor, the school principal and the immediate past-president of the FSA.  Ex-officio officers shall have full voting rights.

Section 2.  The president shall preside at all meeting of the FSA and of the Executive Board.  The president shall perform all the duties pertaining to the office, shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, and shall receive notices of all meetings.  Together with the principal, the president shall draft the agenda for each FSA meeting.

Section 3.  The vice-president shall perform the duties of the president in his/her absence, and shall assume the duties of the office until the next annual election if the office of the president becomes vacant.

Section 4.  The recording secretary shall keep a minute book of all meetings of the FSA and of the Executive Board.

Section 5.  The corresponding secretary shall advise members of all regular meeting.  He/she shall handle such correspondence as the president or Executive Board shall direct.

Section 6.  The treasurer shall receive all dues and other monies, and shall make disbursements only as directed by the Executive Board.  All checks shall be signed by either the president or treasurer and counter-signed by the principal or pastor.  The treasurer shall make a verbal financial report as requested, and submit a written financial report at each meeting to the membership.  A written financial report shall be turned in to the Divine Providence Parish annually, or upon request.  In addition the treasurer shall retain copies of all contracts approved by the president and signed on behalf of the membership.


Section 1.  The administrative body of the FSA shall be called the Executive Board.

Section 2.  The duties of the Executive Board shall be:

To transact the necessary business between FSA meeting.

To create Standing Committees and Special Committees at the request of the principal, pastor, or Executive Board to accommodate special happenings.

To require all Standing Committees to present annual proposals for approval by the Executive Board at the beginning of the school year.

To fill any vacancies among the officers of the FSA between elections and to report such appointments at the next FSA meeting.

To appoint an FSA member to serve as an ex-officio member of the Divine Providence Board of Specified Jurisdiction.

Section 3.  Regular meeting of the FSA shall be held monthly during the school year unless the Executive Board elects to add or cancel a meeting.

Section 4.  Special meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the president or any three members of the Board.  

Section 5.  A quorum of the Executive Board shall be a majority of the members thereof.


Section 1.  At the March meeting, the Executive Board will determine the number of vacancies of both the Executive Board and Standing Committees for the following school year.  Within ten (10) days a notice will then be distributed by the recording secretary to alert all school families of any vacancies and the upcoming election in April.  Interested parties must return notices within the subsequent seven (7) days via the Corresponding Secretary.  Interested parties must attend the April meeting.

Section 2.  At the April meeting, the Executive Board will present the slate of consenting candidates.  Approval of the slate of officers and Standing Committee nominees presented shall be given by a roll call vote by the voting members present with a simple majority signifying acceptance.  The list shall then become closed.

Section 3. The Corresponding Secretary will prepare written secret ballots, marked only to signify an original ballot, to be randomly distributed to all parents/guardians within three school days of the April meeting.  All sealed ballots are to be returned to the school office within 48 hours of distribution.  The ballots will be collected by the Corresponding Secretary and opened and counted in the presence of a quorum of Executive Board members.

Section 4.  When more than two candidates compete for the same office, the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected. In the case of a tie, the winner will be determined via a lottery.  If only one candidate is nominated for a position, the nominee shall be treated as elected.


Section 1.  There shall be the following Standing Committees:

FUNDRAISING:  Oversees all profit generating events that fund the FSA budget.

HOSPITALITY: Arranges for various FSA functions throughout the year.

IN-SCHOOL SERVICES: Coordinates all services performed in school for students and staff.

STUDENT ENRICHMENT SERVICES: Assists with coordination of student assemblies and enrichment programs.

Section 2.  Standing Committee chairperson(s) will serve a term of two (2) consecutive years, not to exceed four (4) year’s total.

Section 3.  Special Committees will form as need arises or at the request of the principal, pastor, or Executive Board to accommodate special happenings.


Roberts Rules of Order shall be used as a guideline during FSA and Executive Board meetings.


These bylaws may be amended at and FSA meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at the previous FSA meeting.


Section 1.  A quorum shall be required to hold any vote.  A quorum during a monthly FSA meeting or election shall be defined as 25% of eligible voting members including a quorum of Executive Board members.  In absence of eligible voting quorum,  two-thirds majority of the Executive Board may equal quorum.

Section 2. Each family and each faculty member of the FSA will have one vote.

Section 3.    Each member is bound by any action which has received the required simple majority vote for adoption. If a particular proposal receives a tie vote, then such proposal will not be adopted.